For more inquiries, Call us today! 910-395-0059

Extracurricular Activities

  • Regular Field Trips that coincide with units of study among Threes, Pre-K, & Afterschool on an age-appropriate basis.
  • Weekly CHAPEL lessons for Threes through Pre-Kindergarten children with no additional fees.
  • Weekly MUSIC classes for Twos through Pre-Kindergarten with no additional fees.
  • Bi-monthly Stretch -n- Grow for Twos through Pre-Kindergarten with no additional fees.

Additional fee for weekly activities

  • LE PETITE DANCE for Threes & Pre-Kindergarten

Soccer Shots returns to Noah’s Ark

Soccer Shots is an engaging children’s soccer program with a focus on character development. Our caring team positively impacts children’s lives on and off the field through best-in-class coaching, curriculum and communication.

  • Who: Children enrolled at Noah’s Ark Children Center
  • When: We meet each Wednesday morning starting September 8th. (FREE Fun Day for all children on 9/1) The program runs through the school year each Wednesday.
  • Cost: $50 monthly throughout the school year plus an annual $25 enrollment fee. Each child receives a jersey and prizes throughout the year.
    Join any time during the school year and opt out with a 2-week email heads up to
  • How: Sign up on-line at in the Childcare Programs section.


Communicate with Us

If you need further assistance, reach out to us. We’ll be with you shortly.

little girl pretends to be a sailor